My Soul Needs the Eternal Light

There are moments in my life when the world seems to crush me. I feel defeated and alone. You would think that this wouldn’t be the case. I have a loving husband who would do anything for me. I have friends aplenty whom I love and who love me. I have children and family that I cherish. And yet, those times still descend upon me. I’m not sure anyone that walks the earth escapes such moments. On one such day, I crumpled into a heap on the floor of my favorite room. No one was around and so I lay motionless in a fetal position. Worries and concerns weighed on me, pushing me further into the floor. I closed my eyes, squeezing out tears that fell soundlessly. And then, in my mind’s eye, Christ appeared and I saw Him walk over to a dark shape on the floor. I saw Him reach down and lift up a woman from the floor and pull her into His eternally loving arms. I was filled with such peace and love. More tears poured out of my closed eyes, this time they were tears of gratitude for the intense love I felt wash over me. Although I still lay on the floor, I knew without a doubt that Jesus knew of my pain, that He loved me, and that He was reminding me that I only need to turn to Him to be supported in my trials. The Prince of Peace brought me peace that day and He will bring peace to you, all we have to do is turn to Him. His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Author: hurricanecat67